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With DKV there is no safer place than our home!

Protect your home and take care of the health of your family and the planet!

   Home insurance is a product provided to your homeowners and people you loved in case of any inconvenience. Because there is no safer place than your home. DKV offers its customers the first environmental home insurance on the market with the most complete coverage for those who take out it:

  • Wide Coverage of Civil Responsibility and Legal Defense.

  • Computer assistance. An expert will advise you on new technologies.

  • The first ecological home insurance. With DKV EcoHogar you will not only have the best coverage, but you will also be contributing to caring for your surroundings and protecting the environment.

  • Free handyman service. DKV offers professional help for a wide variety of household tasks.

  • Appliance repair services. Once a year, without guarantee and with less than 7 years, including the technician's  travel to your hous and his services.

In DKV we offers our clients a wide range of solutions and guarantees with which to protect their home. Depending on the level of coverage you need, you can choose between four modalities: Basic, Complet, Fire or Plus.